2001年結成より、フジロックフェスや朝霧JAM、ライジングサン等のビッグフェスに常連として顔を並べながらも、かたや車に機材を詰め込み、メンバー自ら運営運転片付けまでもこなし、世界中を旅して回る孤高のトラヴェリンバンド。ダンスミュージックを主体としつつも、メンバー6人の織りなす変幻自在なコズミックカオスサウンドは、その場に息づく空気、居合わせたお客さんとのバイブレーションの 交換により、全人類をPEACE&SMILEに溢れた銀河ステーションへと導く。今や世界中の老若男女により、法律も国境も無いユー トピア「ダチャンボ村」が各地で爆発ハッピー拡大中!!


DACHAMBO is a psychedelic & alternative band featuring twin drums and dijuridu.
They are the most successful and attention-drawn artists among Japanese jam bands in 2005.
They are affiliated with Pleasure-Crux, same as Melatone who performed in High Sierra this year.

DACHAMBO does the music management by themselves and performs in almost all outdoor festivals
in Japan such as NAGISA MUSIC FESTIVAL, SunSetLIve in Fukuoka. The Asia’s biggest music festival,
FUJi ROCK FESTIVAL is the one of the most important festivals that they played recently.

They love and appreciate any types of world/international music, which have been greatly influencing
to their music style. The floating digital sounds, the roar of dijuridu, and the deep bass with a dancing guitar…
They keep pursuing their possibilities of sounds through jam, tribal, Latin, organic, funk, and many genres of music.

They are very good at blending diverse sounds into alternative dance music. They make you realize
there is no boundary in the music world once you experience their phenomenal performance that can’t
be described in certain words… The band started in 2001. Released " psilosybe brain" in 2002,
Joined "Spiritual Noise vol.1"(CONDOR RECORDS)in 2003. Released "aphrodelic ngoma" &
"Dr.Dachambo in Goonyara Island"(PLEASURE-CRUX)in 2004 Performed in FUJIROCK FESTIVAL in 2005.
Released mini-album "A Live Fool On The Moon" (Pleasure-Crux) in fall, 2005.
Their 4th full album is coming out soon in 2006. The dynamic sound will rock the world!

PHOTO by tutumino yoshiaki
back L>R : HATA(Machine), YAO(Dr, Per), BUKKA BILLY(Dr, Per), Eiji(Ba, Cho)
front L>R : AO(Gt, Vo), Omi(Didgeridoo, Cho)
